Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Being Thankful

Thanksgiving isn't until November and in the hot humid days of August, it is odd to be thinking about autumn, pumpkins and a chill in the air.  This holiday is all about being thankful for what one has in life, one's blessings. In the company of family, good food and cocktails, finding happiness and that "thankful " feeling is easy.  It is on those long and even longer nights when thoughts of tiny bank accounts and bills to pay,  that being thankful feels almost impossible.

My life is a busy and somewhat crazy existence - as are all single mommies' lives.  I put Sidekick's wants and needs before mine, leaving me lacking life's finer things, a closet full of new clothes, a fancy car, monthly pedis.  This sometimes makes me quite upset, yes, I chose this life, yes I knew my monetary situation would change drastically - and I wouldn't change that for anything, but c'mon - who wouldn't like to replace their aging 10 year old car? Or go on long vacations? So yes, I do sometimes fall victim of the green goblin of envy. Envy of new cars, fat bank accounts and new shoes.

So as I fight with this green monster, I get lost, and forget about what I do have.  I know it is extremely cliche' and it is made to sound so easy.."Focus on what you do have instead of what you don't"  Blah Blah Blah..  Those inspirational posters make me want to shred them!!

Anyhow, it turns out those posters may be onto something. I may have rough heels and some older clothes, but I have my happy Sidekick, I have my health and I have me.  My mantra to get through the tough times is "my life is good" and it is.  It is tough and exhausting, but wonderful.

This is not a "lets hold hands and dance in hippie circles" post, but a reminder to you and also to myself to focus on what you do have.  Some days it can be as simple as "I have a yummy hot coffee", but it is something.

So, keep your chin up and be thankful.


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