Friday, June 3, 2016

Wit's End

There is a gift boutique locally that is called "Wit's End" .  The store is quite popular as it sells beautiful, unique, high end gifts, housewares and jewelry.  It is a place to go and relax as you browse through the pretty displays and listen to soft music, enveloped in a feeling of calm happiness.

This, however, does not constitute the wit's end I am familiar with.  My wit's end is a place of disarray and nothing resembling calm. 

As a single mom, I visit wit's end quite often.  As of late, I seem to get there in the morning.  Getting myself up, showered, dressed and looking/feeling presentable takes real effort, now throw in an almost six year old who is SO ready for summer break, having zero desire to put away his leggos and go to school,  and you arrive at wit's end.

Arriving at wit's end is quick, you may not see it around the bend, but TRUST me, it is there, waiting for you.  Once you get there, your patience, inside voice and sanity are taken from you.  "Wait" you want to say, "I need those for today, I have to go to work!" The bodiless voice assures you that these things will be returned, but refuses to say when.  You are not convinced and panic sets in.

You may get the sensation that you are falling, I often do.  Falling into what or where is never quite seen or understood.  You hear distant yelling and feel a hint of heat on your face and sometimes your eyes feel damp.  But you are disconnected, floating.

I never know how long my wit's end visit lasts.  Upon return, things return to normal life.  The child gets to school and I get to work.  The visit does linger in the form of a slight ache behind my eyes.

What I have learned from my visits to this mysterious place is that, despite my fears, I always find my way back.  As I know millions of other mom's, single or married do on a regular basis.  We are badass like that.


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