Well, fast forward to now. Minus the big cartoon character teased hair, many of the styles I wore in high school are back..At first I was repulsed. Oh no! I wore those fashions the first time around, I am under NO circumstances buying a pair of leggings! Or am I?
My fashion sense, or "style" has taken a bit of a backseat for the past few years. Obviously while pregnant for Sidekick, I wore clothes that could cover the side of a barn. After he was born, as my body was taking on all sorts of odd shapes, my style was non existent. What I wore depended on either what was clean (meaning no spit up or pee or other infant bodily fluid) and/or what fit..It's ironic, before I had Sidekick, I would see new mommies and judge their appearance.. I know, I know...but what the hell did I know? I would think, My God Man, step away from the yoga pants! Well, wasen't I the dumbass?
Anyhow, back to 80's fashion and leggings.. Now that Sidekick is older and I have developed a good morning routine that affords me a bit of "me" time, so I can shower, and actually style my hair and figure out what to wear, I feel as though my style needs a bit of a boost. Add in the fact that I am once again "single", and I think MAYBE, JUST MAYBE leggings, a pair of boots and a tunic top/long sweater might work?
Maybe something like this? I already have a bunch of scarves and the aviator sunglasses..
Just a thought. And I promise not to sing any 80's song while shopping, well....maybe just one..